The subject “Eco-hammam and energy” was discussed during the virtual forum of the 17th of December 2020, the recordings of which are accessible on this web page and on the facebook page al Mi’mâr by our project partner @ ENAMarrakech2020: https://www.facebook.com/ENAMarrakech2020/
Video Recording
- Minute 0 Dr Magda Sibley, Cardiff University, Opening
- Minute 8:30 Mr. Rabie Ouacha, President F.N.A.P.G.H.T.D.M
- Minute 11:30 Mr. Youssef Laabid, F.N.A.P.G.H.T.D.M
- Minute 38:45 Mr. Khaldoun, F.N.A.P.G.H.T.D.M
- Minute 56:40 Mr. El Mehdi Khaldoun
- Minute 1:06:58 Ms. Khadija Kadiri, Cooperative Listijmam WaRaha
- Minute 1:19:00 Discussion
- Minute 1:54:18 Dr. Issam Sobhy, ENAM
- Minute 2:20:00 Mr Jamil, Hammam Jamil, Casablanca
- Minute 2:40:09 Discussion
- Minute 3:05:56 Mr. Moncef Essadqui
- Minute 3:17:30 Discussion
- Minute 3:22:20 Dr Magda Sibley, Cardiff University, Priorities and working groups*
*this presentation presents some missing parts due to technical problems during the recording