The Eco-hammam project team invites you to join a half-day virtual forum on the 27th of October 2021 on the theme “Eco-hammam: future of ecological transitions”. To register for the event, please complete the form below and you will receive the link to log into* the Google Meet platform before the event. (* Access the the platform is simple and there are no special technical requirements).
The Eco-hammam project team invites you to join a half-day virtual forum on the 25th of March 2021 on the theme “Eco-hammam in rural contexts: social and technical aspects”. To register for the event, please complete the form below and you will receive the link to log into* the Google Meet platform before the event. (* Access the the platform is simple and there are no special technical requirements).
The Eco-hammam project team invites you to join a half-day virtual forum on the 25th of February 2021 on the theme “Eco-hammam Architecture and Interior Ambiances: The experiences of users and staff”. To register for the event, please complete the form below and you will receive the link to log into* the Google Meet platform before the event. (* Access the the platform is simple and there are no special technical requirements).
The Virtual Forum “Eco-Hammam and Water” held on the 19th of November, 2020, was organized by the UK team led by Dr Magda Sibley from the Welsh School of Architecture at Cardiff University, together with the school of Architecture of Marrakech (ENAM) and with the support of the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) and the LISTIJMAMWARAHA cooperative.
The Eco-Hammam Virtual Forum of the 27th and 28th of July 2020, was organised by the UK research team led by Professor Chris Tweed and Dr Magda Sibley of the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, with the support of the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency, the LISTIJMAMWARAHA Cooperative and the Marrakech School of Architecture (ENAM).
The Eco-Hammam team thanks all the participants for constributing to the success of the event. Soon a follow up form will be available to collact feedback in preparation to the next event. Stay tuned!