The Eco-Hammam Virtual Forum of the 27th and 28th of July 2020, was organised by the UK research team led by Professor Chris Tweed and Dr Magda Sibley of the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, with the support of the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency, the LISTIJMAMWARAHA Cooperative and the Marrakech School of Architecture (ENAM).
The Virtual Forum involved several sectors concerned with the sustainablibilty of the hammams to develop practical and feasible short-term scenarios for the reopening of hammams with a maximum reduction of contamination by the COVID-19 virus as well as the costs energy expenditure for a green and sustainable transition. The program included presentations, discussions and the development of practical scenarios to allow the resumption of hammam activity under conditions of health safety, energy efficiency and sustainable development.
The Eco-Hammam team thanks all the participants for constributing to the success of the event. Soon a follow up form will be available to collact feedback in preparation to the next event. Stay tuned!